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Trahan Insurance Agency, LLC Blog

Auto Insurance Protections Explained: Comprehensive vs. Collision

Collision and comprehensive coverage are two common yet key components of auto insurance that many motorists incorporate in their policies. Each offers protection against damage to your vehicle, albeit in differing situations.

Collision Coverage: Your Guard Against Unexpected Incidents

Offering protection against damages to your vehicle from an accident, collision insurance covers scenarios involving another vehicle or a stationary object. Be it rear-ending a suddenly stopping car, a head-on collision, a fender-bender in a parking lot, or colliding with a tree, parking lot lamp post, guard rail, or even your house’s garage door, collision coverage likely steps in. In the event of a covered accident, this coverage typically pays for repairing your vehicle up to its value minus your deductible. At Trahan Insurance Agency LLC, we consider this coverage essential and recommend it for many drivers in Criswold, CT.

Comprehensive Coverage: Protecting Beyond the Drive

Designed to safeguard your vehicle from non-collision incidents, comprehensive coverage covers a wide spectrum of scenarios, including theft, vandalism, natural disasters, and even encounters with deer on the roadway. While hitting stationary items often falls under collision, comprehensive coverage might come into play when hitting a moving object like an animal. Moreover, it likely covers a tree falling on and damaging your parked vehicle. Like with collision, comprehensive coverage usually pays for repairs up to the vehicle’s worth after considering the deductible. For Criswold, CT residents, acquiring full glass coverage usually allows the removal of the deductible for claims involving windshields and window damage.

Securing Your Vehicle with the Right Insurance

Striking the right balance of auto insurance coverage tailored to your requirements is crucial. At Trahan Insurance Agency LLC, we’re here to help you secure an auto insurance policy that includes both collision and comprehensive coverage and any other coverage you may need.